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I started my career back in the early 90’s as a gym manager, fitness instructor and beauty therapist. Then took a long break away from it all until about 10 years ago where my journey of self-discovery and healing started. I was suffering with thyroid issues, stress and autoimmune issues. I have suffered hair loss, digestion issues, fatigue, insomnia to name a few. I knew I needed to change the way I was leading my life, always 100 miles an hour going from one thing to the next, believing I was living life to the full whilst also juggling fulltime work and two very young children as a single parent.
I started seeing a kinesiologist, supplementing my diet and this really kick started my holistic approach to living. I had always practiced yoga on and off throughout the years, so decided to take a year of training and qualified as Kundalini Tantra Yoga Instructor. My life started to take a turn for the better, I was feeling and looking better, I felt calmer, I was moving with ease, happier, and grateful. I was more relaxed with my children; life was on the up. However, I felt I had come so far but still drifting along. I knew I needed help to move forward out of old thinking patterns and breaking habits that were holding me back. I decided to try a coach, which was second best investment I made to myself. It was at that point then I knew this was my path too, to help people move forward out of stress, leading a fulfilling, healthy, happy, successful life.
I am totally committed to helping you reach your goals, whether that be with holistic coaching, yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathing practice) or a combination of all.
We were all born with the potential to grow, flourish and fly
My life is pretty hectic, two teenagers, busy career, what to make for dinner, the clothes I can’t find, and the sibling squabbles. Any of you moms will know it can get pretty overwhelming at times.
However I have the tools now to combat this.
I set aside about 30 mins each morning to practice a combination of breathing, yoga and meditation. This makes a huge difference to my day and keeps my stress levels in a healthy range. I find myself responding rather than reacting, and that’s good news for everyone involved. Don't get me wrong I'm far from perfect and I do skip days if I've not slept well or something crops up but I'm always aware of how that makes me feel and I'm soon back on track
When my health started taking a down turn and my hair was falling out, this had a huge impact on my confidence.
I am now more careful who I allow in my circle and surround myself with people that uplift my soul when I'm feeling a little off balance. Yoga has also taught me to connect to that vulnerability and realise that it's a good thing.
I mean who 'really' has it all worked out? Isn’t it time to just accept this and be open about the fact that: 'We're just doing our best, ' and that’s ok. Accepting that I'm not perfect, that no one is, which is a huge confidence booster.
Another aspect I love about yoga is the the sense of belonging you get from coming to class. I have a great tribe already, classes and events are always light hearted with lots of giggles.
Lockdown has been tough on our mental health and I know some have felt very isolated, the online classes have been a huge success in keeping that connection open. It can be very easy to feel lonely in todays busy society, but sharing a common interest is a great way to find a community and people you enjoy spending time with!
Don't worry there is no age barrier, classes range from teenagers to some amazing people in their 70's
My intuition about what is right for me has heightened in all areas of my life. Maybe it's taking those few minutes to connect with myself each day... But I find I’m able to tap into my gut feeling about situations and people more easily- and this is certainly empowering and something I’m keen to develop more.
Yoga helped me to connect with myself on so many levels. Along with my yoga classes, I've done lots of work on self-love and acceptance. I’ve realised that putting myself first isn’t selfish, it’s essential. I can’t pour from an empty cup. I feel so much more confident and comfortable in my own skin.
It’s been quite a ride... and I am forever the student, learning, studying.
The website is another new chapter. But if these last few years have taught me anything, it’s that we need to keep growing, learning and experiencing new things.
Life is soooo amazing; rich, and colourful, but it's easy to get stuck in a rut and not see the beauty around us... and I know I don't want that!
I’ve had some big highs, and some huge lows, but yoga has helped me come back to my centre when it’s all felt a bit overwhelming!
I'm happier, healthier and more joyful than I've ever been and I know that my yoga has played a massive part in this.
Sarah x